Revised 3 July 2024, and again 21 July 2024.
I want to talk, very briefly, about Marianne Williamson, the presidential candidate. Today, Joe Biden has done the right thing. What courage that takes; his decision is a testament to his character. Not since President Lyndon Johnson in March 1968 have we seen such an act.
Since the CNN presidential debate on June 27th, the political situation in our country has changed dramatically. It seems increasingly likely that there will be an open Democratic convention in August. While Kamala Harris might be the most likely nominee, nothing is written in stone. Over the next few weeks, Marianne Williamson may, finally, have a chance to be heard. I appeal to voters of conscience to support Marianne and amplify her message. In a few words, here’s why . . .
Persistently, she appeals to “the better angels of our nature,” invoking compassion, empathy, and love. Despite and because of this she is ignored by the mainstream, so immersed and inured are we to narratives of individualism, capitalism and perpetual conflict. Make no mistake, actively or passively perpetuating that failed story is, in my view, a monumental error. From what I call tell, Marianne knows this – along with over half a million people who voted for her in the Democratic primaries.
Remarkably, she continues her campaign, despite no a very small chance of winning, so that her message might still be heard amidst the hateful drone of prevalent voices. As ever, she persists in being honest. In her words, The humanitarian values at the core of our Declaration of Independence have been replaced by a soulless economics as the governing principle of our civilization. The tentacles of hyper-capitalism, devoid of any ethical or moral consideration, now reach greedily into every corner of our society. In a society where everything has been commodified and monetized, where does that leave real people with hopes and dreams and muddled emotions and not enough time even to think about what’s happening to them? I think we know – survival mode. Marianne often quotes FDR – “Necessitous men are not free men.”
If you choose to listen – and most will not because it impinges uncomfortably – I think you’ll find that her message feels refreshing, inspiring, uplifting and right. And yet, it is tinged with a knowing sadness that this message will not prevail anytime soon, maybe never. But for me, that doesn’t matter. I voted for her in the New Mexico primary, and now feel vindicated about feeling then that Biden was not the best candidate.
A vote for Marianne in the primary is was not a “spoiler” vote because Biden already has had more than enough delegates to secure the nomination. A vote for Marianne was a vote for someone who has a powerful, thoughtful, peaceful vision which needs to be heard loud and clear at the Democratic convention in August. May she finally get that chance when and if Biden releases his delegates. And long shot though it is, may we all see her on the November ballot as the Democratic nominee for President.
It’s never too late to let the better angels of our nature guide us.
— Taos, New Mexico, 3 July 2024.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.