"Am I not a man? And is not a man stupid? I'm a man, so I'm married. Wife, children, house – everything. The full catastrophe." "One of the things that holds the professional class back from making radical decisions is the assumption that most of us are, already, well informed. Instead, research has found that… Continue reading The full catastrophe
Tag: capitalism
Marianne Williamson
Revised 3 July 2024, and again 21 July 2024. I want to talk, very briefly, about Marianne Williamson, the presidential candidate. Today, Joe Biden has done the right thing. What courage that takes; his decision is a testament to his character. Not since President Lyndon Johnson in March 1968 have we seen such an act.… Continue reading Marianne Williamson
The selfish meme
It all started, pre-Covid, in a conversation with a close friend. He was wondering if there's some pervasive psychological affliction causing all of us to behave in ways that result in the ecological destruction of our world. 'Mind virus' was the exact term he used. I found the concept strangely attractive and disquieting. I was… Continue reading The selfish meme
A reply to Dennis
Dear Dennis. With deepest humility and respect and admiration for your rationality and sincerity, I write this response to your opinion editorial published recently in The Daily Star (Oneonta) and the Briar Creek Times (BCT). I agree with you wholeheartedly on one thing: "Let's be smarter tomorrow than we were yesterday." But intelligence manifests in… Continue reading A reply to Dennis